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Storybook For Children

More about Short Story

This module was a very creative open module and we could create anything with a narrative. I know graphic design is something I enjoy and is my strongest point. So, I created a children’s book aimed for 3-4 year olds. I did a lot of research of existing story books and planned out thoroughly a narrative for my book. I looked at different illustrator styles, writing techniques,  character development and successful ways of positioning a character in different ways. The book was about a panda trying to get home using a magic map but the panda goes to different climates before getting home. This module was my favourite module so far. I loved creating all the characters and the different settings. I wanted the book to be engaging for child. I want the child to ask questions when reading the book and not the reader asking questions. Primary research was a great way to test this and I was able to get some primary research.  I enjoyed coming up with a plot and learning about the conventions of storytelling. I was able to widen my skills in illustrator and photoshop through character development and the different positions one character makes.  I am happy with everything I was able to achieve in this module.   I learnt a lot about story progression and also how to further develop my skills on the Adobe apps. I want to one day hopefully print the book as a physical copy. Overall I was very happy with the outcomes on what I created. 

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